Interestingly gratitude & as I call it Gaining Slim™ (not weight loss) go hand-in-hand.
Learn more below.
Gratitude is a very powerful tool in helping rewire our 'negativity-bias'. How often do people beat themselves up over their food choices forgetting about all the healthy choices they did make? I see it often & maybe this sounds familiar?
"Our brains have an in-built negativity bias: designed not to make us happy, but to help us survive. But by focusing on what’s wrong, and keeping us safe, it can lead us to feeling stressed, worried, fearful, sad… even though there are lots of positive things going on in our lives. In effect, the brain is like Velcro for negative experiences, but Teflon for positive ones. The good news is that we can interrupt our negativity bias and re-wire our brains to be healthier and happier."
With a easy to follow guided gratitude practice, we can quickly rewire the neuroplasticity in the brain for positive outcomes in all areas of life.
When it comes to Gaining Slim™ (weight loss) finding the positives can be more motivating than the negatives. Interestingly weight LOSS is a negative. At a sub conscious level we can curl up inside and almost have a yucky feeling - without even realizing it; our bodies respond to outside influences & thoughts.
Here is a short video I did with Dr Suzanne Henwood, we talk about gratitude, the wording 'weight loss' compared to using Gaining Slim™ and how to do the gratitude practice to maximise results. Suzanne drops in some very valuable tips as we talk back and forth. Check it out here: What is Negativity Bias & how do we overcome it?
Can be found from or often Suzanne will have spare copies here in New Zealand - please contact me if you are unable to locate it and I will help you. There is an abundance of Gratitude journals available but what makes this one so special?
It uses the latest in Neuroscience and through the techniques laid out in this book you will experience results at your head, heart and gut levels to bring together an experience like no other book will do. It works best when done daily.